New Spelling for Limited Edition Peanut Butter Jar

Dan Peanuts

peanut butter

The J.M. Smucker Company, makers of Jif Peanut Butter, has announced they are releasing a limited-edition jar. Instead of the normal spelling, this special jar will be spelled “GIF Peanut Butter”. Tyron Spearman reports the purpose of this is to settle the debate over how to pronounce the looping image format that has overtaken the internet.

New Spelling for Limited Edition Peanut Butter Jar
Since the dawn of mankind (more or less) one debate has divided us… How the heck do you pronounce ‘Gif’? For far too long people have been throwing that hard G about with reckless abandon. That’s why this certified professor is here to set everybody straight and end this arjument for jood.