Alabama 2021 Integrated Pest Management Guides are Available

Dan Alabama, Pest/Pest Control

alabama extension

Whether you are an amateur gardener or seasoned agriculturalist, there’s no denying that pests can sneak in and ruin a crop. Whether they appear in the form of insects, weeds, or plant diseases, all can be detrimental. Current and former Alabama Cooperative Extension System entomologists, weed scientists, plant pathologists, and pesticide education specialists have compiled an updated list of 2021 integrated pest management guides to help keep these pests out of your crop.

These guides are updated annually with information usually pertaining to herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides that can be used to manage pests on plants. The 2021 IPM guides include recommendations for commercial horticultural crops; commercial turfgrass; homeowners’ lawns and ornamental and garden crops; houses, buildings, and grounds; major row crops; noncropland and commercial trees and ornamental crops; pastures and forage crops and small and stored grains.

The availability of pesticides, as well as application recommendations, are constantly changing, ensuring the need for these annual IPM guides and their up-to-date information. Each guide contains information about the selection, rates, application, and proper use.