Alabama Farmers Welcome Tuberville to Senate Ag Committee

Dan Alabama, Florida, General, Georgia, Legislative

It was announced this week that recently elected U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville from Alabama was appointed to the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee.

The Alabama Farmers Federation welcomed the news. In a release, Federation President Jimmy Parnell praised Tuberville for putting in the work to learn about the issues important to farmers and seeking to be a voice for Alabama agriculture in Congress.

“On the campaign trail, Sen. Tuberville met with farmers in their fields and pastures,” Parnell said. “He looked them in the eye and said, ‘I want to be your champion in D.C.’ We are proud to have been among Sen. Tuberville’s early supporters and are confident he will serve our members and the state well in the Senate.”


Tuberville said he’s eager to work for farmers, forest owners, and all Alabamians on everything from the farm bill to broadband internet access. 

“From soybeans to catfish and poultry to peanuts, Alabama is home to some of the most productive and innovative farmers, producers, and foresters our country has to offer,” Tuberville said. “It is an honor to represent Alabama agriculture and our rural communities on the Senate Agriculture Committee. Now more than ever, our farmers, foresters, and producers need certainty, stability and for our economy to reopen so they can continue to feed, clothe and fuel America. Our rural communities in Alabama need broadband connectivity to ensure our rural health centers, schools, businesses, and family farms can stay competitive and connected in today’s world.
“As we look towards the next Farm Bill, the coming years will be critical to lay the foundation for key initiatives including rural development and broadband, trade and forestry programs to benefit Alabama’s farmers both today and in the future,” Tuberville added. “I am thankful to have a seat at the table on a committee that is so important to folks back home, and Alabama’s rural communities can rest assured I’ll be a strong voice for them in Washington.”

According to the Alabama Farmers Federation, Tuberville also secured appointments to the Senate Armed Services; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP); and Veterans’ Affairs committees.