Agriculture groups Ready to Work with Biden Administration

Dan Environment, General

AFBF Congratulates President Biden on Inauguration

(AFBF) — American Farm Bureau (AFBF) President Zippy Duvall commented on the inauguration of President Joe Biden, who was sworn-in as the 46th President of the United States.

President Joe Biden
(Official White House Photo by David Lienemann)

“The American Farm Bureau Federation congratulates President Joe Biden as he begins his term as 46th president of the United States. We also congratulate Vice President Kamala Harris as she makes history as the first woman to serve as America’s vice president.

“The past several weeks have been difficult for all of America. We were saddened by the violence that threatened a peaceful transfer of power, but what we witnessed today is a hallmark of what has made this country an example for the rest of the world. We have peacefully ushered in new leaders and with the new appreciation for the resilience of our democracy. Today, we turn the page, learn the lessons, and look to the future with the hope and optimism that are core to who we are as Americans.

“Addressing the needs of America’s farmers, ranchers, and rural communities is important, including strengthening the farm bill, expanding trade, and finding a fair solution to the farm labor shortage. We must extend broadband coverage to ensure rural families, businesses, schools, and health care facilities can compete in today’s digital reality. We are also looking for partners in our efforts to achieve sustainability goals while ensuring climate policies remain market-based and voluntary. We have been meeting with President Biden’s nominees to discuss priority issues and today we shift into high gear to achieve these goals.

“All of this can be done if we commit ourselves to work together for a better America. Agriculture is traditionally divided more by regional differences than by political parties. We urge our elected leaders to continue that tradition of bipartisanship in the agriculture committees and throughout our government. Our country faces some big challenges. Let’s get to work on solutions.”

Source: American Farm Bureau Federation

NMPF congratulates President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

(NMPF) — From NMPF President and CEO Jim Mulhern:

Kamala Harris
Vice President of United States

The National Milk Producers Federation congratulates President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on becoming the 46th president and 49th vice-president of the United States, as well as the members of the 117th Congress as they embark on their work serving the American people.

Inaugurations represent new beginnings and new opportunities. This is especially important today, as we begin this journey at a time of turmoil that has intensified in recent months and weeks. We in dairy offer our own commitment to work on a bipartisan basis for progress on issues important to dairy farmers, their cooperatives, and the greater good. We also look forward to engaging with the broader agricultural community to meet our common challenges and build a thriving rural America that lifts the entire nation.

Source: National Milk Producers Federation

NASDA stands ready to work with Biden Administration to serve state departments of agriculture

(NASDA) — In regard to today’s inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris NASDA CEO Dr. Barb Glenn released the following statement:

“NASDA congratulates President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on their inauguration as the 46th President and 49th Vice President of the United States of America. As President Biden and Vice President Harris begin navigating the pandemic response, NASDA remains committed to building partnerships within the incoming administration that guarantees the food supply chain remains strong. We are ready to work with the Biden Administration to advance agriculture domestically and internationally while ensuring America recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

In 2021 to best serve state departments of agriculture, NASDA has identified food systems and food safetyinfrastructure and capacityclimate resiliencyinternational trade, and workforce development as policy priorities to pursue.

Source: National Association of State Departments of Agriculture

Corn Grower Leaders to President Biden: We Stand Ready to Work with You

(NCGA) — Leaders of the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) congratulated President Biden on his inauguration as the 46th President of the United States. NCGA President John Linder, along with 21 state corn grower association presidents, sent a letter to Biden outlining the opportunities for corn growers and agriculture over the next four years.

“As you know, farmers are optimistic by nature. Each year we plant seeds in the ground, rely on a combination of mother nature and innovation, and we are hopeful that those seeds will generate a profitable commodity. In that same regard, we are optimistic about the opportunity for farmers to play an innovative role in combating climate change and expanding our overseas markets,” the corn grower leaders wrote.

NCGA and corn growers across the country are looking forward to being a part of efforts to address climate change, one of the Biden-Harris Administration’s top policy priorities. In their letter, the corn grower leaders highlighted the unique role corn ethanol can play in these efforts.

“Higher-octane fuels, most effectively achieved by blending more low carbon ethanol, would unlock increased gains in vehicle efficiency, equating to more miles per gallon, and an even further reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. We look forward to working closely with your Administration and Congress to begin the transition of the nation’s fuel supply to a higher-octane, low carbon fuel,” they wrote.

Expanding overseas markets for U.S. corn and corn products is also a top priority for NCGA. The grower leaders expressed optimism that the new Administration will be able to forge new trade agreements with strategic partners abroad.

“We are confident your vast experience in the foreign policy arena will serve the United States well in our ability to expand upon our global competitiveness,” they wrote.

Source: National Corn Growers Association

ARA Ready to Work with Biden Administration on Key Ag Retail Issues

(ARA)Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) President and CEO Daren Coppock released the following statement following the swearing-in of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris:

“ARA congratulates President Biden and Vice President Harris on taking the oaths of office today. We look forward to working with the administration on issues critical to ag retailers, their farmer customers, and communities.

“The Biden transition team worked diligently to be inclusive of ag retailers from day one, and for that we are grateful. We appreciate the engagement we have already had with the leadership of the incoming administration and look forward to continuing those relationships for a bright future for American agriculture.”

Source: Agricultural Retailers Association