Growers’ Input on Pests Needed

Dan Citrus, Research

University of Florida Entomologist
Lauren Diepenbrock

Entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock is seeking Florida citrus growers’ help in determining information gaps and future directions for her research on pests. To get that help, she’s asking growers to participate in a survey, which is available here.

Diepenbrock, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher, would like to have growers take the survey by March 31, 2021. The survey should take 15 minutes or less to complete. The anonymous survey begins with questions about what counties growers farm in, what varieties they are growing, and the pests that have been problems for them during various times in the past. It also asks about insecticide and miticide use history with relation to Asian citrus psyllid establishment and frequency of sprays. In addition, the survey aims to determine what growers believe are the top five priorities for pest management research.

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Learn more about Growers’ Input on Pests Needed on the Ci9trus Industry website.