Renewable Fuels Association on Gas-Generated Electricity

Dan Biofuels/Energy, Corn, Industry News Release


(NAFB) — Electric vehicles that a Biden Administration is looking at to achieve net-zero carbon emissions still face the need for coal or natural gas-generated electricity. But the ethanol industry may have a different solution. Corn ethanol to electricity may be the ‘ticket,’ according to Renewable Fuels Association chief Geoff Cooper.

 “Ethanol is a great low-carbon molecule, and you can make electricity out of it just fine. And it is something our industry is looking into as a future, kind of, new use for our product.”

Some big industry names are already taking the idea seriously.

 “General Electric is interested in looking at using ethanol instead of diesel in its peak-shaving generators. And so, there is a role there that ethanol-to-electrons is not that far-fetched of an idea.”

For now, Cooper argues there’s not enough cobalt, lithium, and recharging stations to make pending legislative goals of halving gas-powered car sales by 2025 a reality. As for even more profound Biden Administration goals.

 “If net zero emissions are the goal by 2050, and deep reductions in the carbon emissions from transportation are what we’re after, we should be using more biofuels in the near term.”

Cooper says ethanol is already reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. He argues, adding more ethanol to the blend—whether E15 or E85—will yield greater greenhouse gas reductions.

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)