U.S. Peanut Production Forecast to be Up 24%

Clint Thompson Peanuts

peanut crop

When USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) released its September crop production estimates, it noted the U.S. peanut crop is now expected to be up 24% compared to last year. According Tyron Spearman, that is up 9% from the previous forecast.

Peanut production is forecast at 6.79 billion pounds, up 9% from the previous forecast and up 24% from 2019.

Acreage updates were made in several states based on a thorough review of all available data. Planted area, at 1.67 million acres, is up 10% from the previous estimate, and up 17% from the 2019 planted area.

Area harvested is expected to total 1.62 million acres, up 10% from the previous forecast and up 17% from 2019. Based on conditions as of Sept. 1, the average yield for the United States is forecast at 4,185 pounds per acre, down 33 pounds per acre from the previous forecast but up 236 pounds per acre from 2019. If realized, the forecasted yield will be a record high in Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi.