Dicamba Makers Seek to Intervene in Court Decision

Clint Thompson Alabama, Florida, Georgia

Makers of dicamba filed motions to intervene in a court case following a decision to vacate the registration for three dicamba herbicides.

The court ruling banning dicamba herbicides affects cotton growers.

BASF and Corteva announced their motions to intervene late last week. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the registrations on June 3, 2020, for dicamba herbicides from BASF, Bayer and Corteva. Bayer intervened in the case last year.

A dicamba herbicide from Syngenta was not included in the ruling. BASF’s Paul Rea says the decision made during the middle of the growing season, “gives no regard to the significant investments farmers have made in their businesses and leaves them without viable options for the growing season.”

Corteva was not a party to the lawsuit and says that until June 3, the case appeared to involve only the Bayer XtendiMax registration. Corteva is seeking to intervene to “preserve our rights and to support the rights of customers to use the impacted dicamba weed control technology.”

(From the National Association of Farm Broadcasters)