According to the latest numbers from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), cotton and peanut planting is nearing completion. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey has the latest look at cotton planting and squaring.
Rippey also has the season’s last look at peanut planting and the first look at peanut pegging.
In Alabama, 98% of the cotton crop has been planted, which compares to 97% last year. The 5-year average is 95%. For the peanut crop, 96% of the has been planted, which compares to 95% last year. The 5-year average is 93%.
In Florida, 91% of the cotton crop has been planted, which compares to 93% last year. The 5-year average is 93%. For the peanut crop, 99% has been planted, which compares to 98% last year. The 5-year average is 97%.
In Georgia, 96% of the cotton crop has been planted, which compares to 94% last year. The 5-year average is 94%. For the peanut crop, 98% has been planted, which compares to 97% last year. The 5-year average of 97 percent.