Cotton, Peanut Planting Update

Clint Thompson Alabama, Cotton, Florida, Georgia, Peanuts

File photo shows cotton being planted.

According to the latest numbers from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), cotton and peanut planting continues to progress. USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey first says cotton planting progress is approaching the two-thirds mark.

But Rippey says peanut planting is nearing completion.

In Alabama, 92% of the cotton crop has been planted, which compares to 91% last year. The 5-year average is 84%. For the peanut crop, 84% has been planted, which compares to 87% last year. The 5-year average is 77%.

In Florida, 81% of the cotton crop has been planted, which compares to 77% last year. The 5-year average is 77%. For the peanut crop, 93% has been planted, which compares to 89% last year. The 5-year average is 87%.

In Georgia, 74% of the cotton crop has been planted, which compares to 82% last year. The 5-year average is 78%. For the peanut crop, 81% has been planted, which compares to 88% last year. The 5-year average is 85%.