Deadline Nearing to Sign Up For 2020 CSP in Alabama

Clint Thompson Alabama

USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Alabama wants to remind landowners the deadline to sign up for the 2020 Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is May 29. Farmers, ranchers and private landowners are all encouraged to apply now for financial and technical assistance.

Alabama State Conservationist Ben Malone said, “NRCS works hard to help eligible farmers, ranchers and private landowners plan and carry out conservation practices that can benefit all Alabama’s residents by providing clean air and water, healthy and productive forests, and healthy soils. The Conservation Stewardship Program provides crucial funding to help producers carry out these practices on their agricultural land.”

CSP is available to eligible producers and landowners and offers financial and technical assistance to improve private lands that deliver environmental benefits, such as improved water quality and reduced soil erosion. Eligible land includes cropland, pastureland and non-industrial private forestland.

To learn more about financial and technical assistance available to help Alabama farmers and other landowners improve and protect their land, visit the Alabama NRCS website, or contact your local NRCS office.