Cash Receipts for Meat Animals Are Up

Clint Thompson Alabama, Beef, Cattle, Florida, Georgia, USDA-NASS


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), 2019 production of meat animals (cattle and calves and hogs and pigs) for the U.S. totaled 85.3 billion pounds. This was an increase of 1% from 2018.

Production decreased 2% for cattle and calves but increased 5% for hogs and pigs. Total 2019 cash receipts from marketing of meat animals increased slightly to $88.3 billion.

Cash receipts from marketing of cattle and calves decreased slightly from $67 billion in 2018 to $66.2 billion in 2019. All cattle and calf marketing totaled 58.4 billion pounds in 2019, down 1% from 2018.

Cash receipts were down across Alabama, Florida and Georgia, according to the NASS Southern Regional Field Office. Marketing of cattle and calves rose 3% in Florida, 2% in Georgia and 11% in South Carolina.

Cash receipts from hogs and pigs totaled $22 billion during 2019, up 5% from 2018. Marketing totaled 41.6 billion pounds in 2019, up 5% from 2018. Cash receipts were up in Florida, while Alabama and Georgia were down compared to 2018. Marketing for hogs and pigs were up in Florida.

Milk production increased 0.4% in 2019 to 218 billion pounds. The rate per cow, at 23,391 pounds, was 241 pounds above 2018. Total US cash receipts from marketing of milk during 2019 totaled $40.5 billion, 14.9% higher than 2018. Producer returns averaged $18.63 per hundredweight, 14.4% above 2018. In the Southern Region, cash receipts for milk was up in Florida and Georgia.