NCBA on Relief Funds for Producers

Clint Thompson Beef, Cattle


This week, Congress did approve an increase to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) beings money from the first round ran out quickly. National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Vice President of Government Affairs, Ethan Lane, provides an update on relief funds available to cattle producers.

Following NCBA’s letter to USDA this week, members in both chambers of Congress sent a letter to President Trump, aligning with NCBA’s request that payment caps be lifted to ensure all cattle producers can access the funds that will be needed to sustain their operations through the COVID-19 crisis. The bipartisan, bicameral effort was signed by more than 150 members of the House and Senate, and urgently requests the lifting of payment caps for the agricultural industries which continue to fight hard to feed Americans despite massive economic hardships.

Lane said NCBA members are extremely thankful to members of the House and Senate who spearheaded support for the request.