Cathy Isom gives you a bit of information about some amazing shrubs to make your Spring garden shine. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
Your Spring garden will shine when these gorgeous shrubs begin blooming. Many of them have beautiful foliage that is variegated or evergreen, so they will continue to add some color to your yard even after their flowers fade.

One example is Viburnum. There are dozens of viburnum species and varieties to choose from, but most bloom in shades of pink and white, and many offer a pleasant fragrance or great fall foliage color. Some varieties of viburnum, like ‘Eastern Snowball,’ can even look like hydrangeas when they’re in bloom.

Along with hyacinths and lilacs, mock orange has one of spring’s best fragrances (even though they’re not related to citrus, they smell just like orange blossoms). This easy-growing shrub produces pure white blooms you can smell from several feet away.

In late spring and early summer, mountain laurel is covered in showy clusters of pink, red, or white flowers. It’s a plant you’ll want to take a close look at; the buds have an interesting, intricate shape, almost like tiny stars.

You can also find varieties with unique colors, like ‘Minuet,’ which has light pink flowers with a bold red stripe.

Use heath, also called heather, to bring bright doses of color to your late winter or early spring landscape. Heath is a tiny, compact shrub that’s ideal for rock gardens and other spots with well-drained acidic soil. When it blooms, it produces huge numbers of pink, white, or red flowers.
I’m Cathy Isom…