Roses are red, violets are blue. Cathy Isom has some Valentines Day gift ideas that are eco-friendly. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
If you’re still trying to figure out what to get your sweetie for Valentine’s Day, go ahead and skip the roses this year. You’ll be doing the planet a favor.
Unless you’re in Florida or Southern California, February and flowers do not go together in the United States. They are flown under climate-controlled conditions from tropical countries and then shipped in a refrigerated truck to retailers, racking up an enormous carbon footprint in the process.
How about some eco-friendly gift ideas, such as flowering houseplants that will bloom for months on end. Or a floral bath bomb, packed with therapeutic salts, herbs, essential oils and flower petals.
If you’re really in the mood for something floral, maybe find a fragrant massage oil with the scent of flowers in the air. Or, perhaps the gift of native flower seeds. Such as yarrow, milkweed, bee balm and cornflower. All will make long-lasting bouquets. And, part of the romance can be planning a date on the first warm weekend of spring when you can plant them together.
I’m Cathy Isom…