Environmental Stewardship Award Applications Being Accepted

Clint Thompson Beef


Those interested in providing applications for the 2020 Environmental Stewardship Award are reminded they are due March 6, 2020. The program, established in 1991 by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), is designed to recognize cattle and livestock operations and their stewardship and conservation efforts. Any individual, group or organization is eligible to nominate one individual/business who/that raises or feeds cattle. Individuals and families may not nominate themselves, although nominees may be involved in the preparation of the application.

During next month’s Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show in San Antonio, the winner of the 2019 Environmental Stewardship Award will be named. But those interested in recognizing someone for the 2020 award are being encouraged to submit applications. The full nomination packet and directions for its completion can be viewed at https://www.environmentalstewardship.org/awards/application.