Best Organic Weed Control Methods

Dan Organic, This Land of Ours, Vegetables


Weeds are something we constantly battle in our gardens and farms. Cathy Isom has a few suggestions for the best organic weed methods. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Best Organic Weed Control Methods

Weeds tend to be some of nature’s most annoying pests.  When weeds encroach on your precious growing space consider organic weed methods.  Organic methods are categorized as such because they don’t involve synthetic chemicals.  Organic weed control methods involve mechanical and biological controls.

Ingredients used in organic pest-control concoctions are typically naturally derived. When using organic weed methods, there is no risk of contaminating soil or nearby water sources. There’s no risk of damage to nearby plants.  And, no risk to bees and other pollinators. Organic weed methods are also inexpensive compared to non-organic weed products. There are also no health concerns with organic methods.

Dendrobium Orchid seedlings plant in a nursery

Some mechanical weed control options include:  organic mulch, such as wood chips, leaf mold, coco coir.  When mulching to suppress weeds, its important to remove weeds before adding the material. You could also use things like cardboard, newspaper, and landscape fabric as organic weed control to block weeds from growing in a newly installed garden. If you’re starting raised beds, always use one of these materials at the bottom of each bed before adding soil. Ground cover also works well, especially during fall and winter, to keep weeds from taking up residence. 

While organic methods may require a bit more time and effort, you’ll be rewarded in the long run with a healthier, happier garden environment. For specific challenges like invasive plants such as japanese knotweed, consulting japanese knotweed specialists can provide valuable insights and solutions to maintain the integrity of your garden using eco-friendly practices.

I’m Cathy Isom…