Georgia State Conservationist Terrance O. Rudolph, with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), is encouraging Georgia’s farmers, ranchers, and landowners to consider their conservation goals now and schedule an appointment as soon as possible to meet with their local USDA-NRCS conservationist.
“As our farmers and ranchers complete this year’s harvest, we suspect their minds are already looking ahead to 2020,” said Rudolph. “October 1 was our fiscal new year, so it’s a great time for our customers to schedule some time to discuss future farming operations and how we can help them.”
USDA-NRCS takes applications for most Farm Bill programs and provides technical assistance on a year-round basis. However, Rudolph recommends that by taking the time now to update their conservation plan and ask any questions they may have about the new Farm Bill, their conservation plan, and any resulting program applications, will be more accurate and effective.
“Things can change a lot from year to year, for our customers and for our programs,” added Rudolph. “We want them to know that when they are ready to talk, we are ready to serve!”
For information about all the 2018 Farm Bill resources for farmers and ranchers available from USDA, you can go online to farmers.gov. There, you may connect socially, research program information, disaster assistance, or locate your nearest USDA Service Center to schedule your in-person office appointment or farm visit.