During the Sunbelt Ag Expo, Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black joined others to discuss the risks farmers face when moving equipment and transporting crops and livestock on Georgia roads. During an interview with Southeast AgNet’s Randall Weiseman, Commissioner Black urged all drivers in rural areas to slow down when approaching farm vehicles in the road and only pass when it’s safe to do so.

According to the Georgia Department of Transportation, 18 people were killed and 705 injured in more than 1,700 crashes involving farm and construction vehicles in Georgia from 2015 to 2018. Some farmers injured in crashes operating tractors and other vehicles on the road are never physically able to work again, while others risk losing their farming operations from not being able to work during their recovery. Many crashes involving farm vehicles can be prevented by motorists staying alert and being ready to significantly reduce their speed when they drive up on slower-moving farm vehicles on the road.
More information can be found on the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety website.