Everyone know how important bees are for pollinating our plants. Cathy Isom checks out the bees living arrangements by letting you know how to build a do-it-yourself bee house. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
One way to help the honeybee population, or by simply bringing more pollinators into your yard, is not only growing things that will attract them — but by building things, too. Such as an easy-peasy DIY bee house. You’ll want to welcome the docile bee species, such as Carpenter Bees, Mining Bees, and Mason Bees. They’re more likely to move into your living quarters and less likely to sting you.

You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to build a bamboo bee house. All you need is a foundation, like a PVC pipe, old wooden box, or anything you can find that will comfortably accommodate a handful of bamboo canes.
A wood bee house functions similarly as the bamboo house, but it can easily be made out of simple woodblock, or old stumps.

Pallets are fantastic for different species of bees because they can accommodate a variety of different design elements. Each layer can include something different, like a wood box house, cinder blocks, straw, old wooden logs with holes drilled into them, or even clay bee houses.
Bees will also take residence on several layers of sod stacked up with the dirt facing upward.
I’m Cathy Isom…