The Honorable Ron DeSantis
Governor of Florida
Plaza Level 05, The Capitol
400 S. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Dear Governor DeSantis,
On behalf of Florida Farm Bureau Federation (FFBF) and our 147,000 member families, we respectfully request that you consider filling the final South Florida Water Management Governing Board seat with someone who can represent agricultures interests. Agriculture is a primary consumptive user of water and is a vital component to regulating flows by holding excess water whenever possible.
South Florida agriculture has a long history of implementing Best Management Practices that have had a documented positive effect on water quality. We know that there is a long way to go and we play a large part in creating and implementing solutions.
We appreciate your steadfast focus on water quality and feel that agriculture plays an enormous role in water management. Having representation on the board will help to deliver the goals that we are all striving to achieve.
Thank you for your consideration. If you need recommendations, please allow me to assist with several qualified candidates.
Kind Regards,
John L. Hoblick
Letter to Governor Ron DeSantis.
Source: Florida Farm Bureau Federation