NRCS Announces Changes to Strengthen Technical Input

Dan Farm Bill, Technology, USDA-NRCS


Last week, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) announced they are expanding the technical input in program development and technical services in their program delivery. The 2018 Farm Bill made several changes expanding the membership on the State Technical Committee and expanding the avenues through which technical service providers can be certified. Other changes include the administration of the, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act Program, Healthy Forests Reserve Program, and the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program.

NRCS Chief Matt Lohr said, “NRCS is committed to efficiently and effectively implementing the Farm Bill and delivering on our promise to America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners. The rule we’re issuing is a step toward strengthening and streamlining the services and programs that help conserve our nation’s natural resources on working lands.”

NRCS published an interim final rule in the Federal Register to make the existing regulations consistent with the changes made by the 2018 Farm Bill. That includes the change related to State Technical Committees. NRCS is accepting comments on this rule through July 5, 2019.

You may submit comments through the Federal eRulemaking Portal on Docket ID USDA-2019-0005. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.