Alabama Grazing Academy Set for April 17

Dan Alabama, Cattle

alabama grazing

It was announced this week that the Alabama Grazing Academy is set for April 17 at the Chilton Research and Extension Center in Clanton. The one-day workshop, hosted by the Alabama Extension animal science and forage team, begins at 8 a.m. and will wrap up about 5:45 p.m.

In a release, Alabama Extension forage specialist, Dr. Leanne Dillard, said “Producers will learn about how to increase their efficiency in grazing management by looking at the new available technologies and understanding plant physiology and regrowth,” Dillard said. “Producers will also learn some calculations to determine the best rotation method and the cost savings of extending the grazing season by a few days each year.”

Some of the topics at the Alabama Grazing Academy include:

  • Grazing Management
  • Economics
  • Stocking Rates
  • Animal Performance
  • Soil Health and Fertility
  • Nutrient Management
  • Hands-on Demonstrations

This workshop is a one-day advanced grazing school, specifically for producers who are already using grazing management programs on-farm but looking to take it to the next level.

Registration for the academy is $40 and space is limited, so to RSVP to Leanne Dillard ( or Josh Elmore ( Find more information by visiting