Agri View: Farm Income Declined…Again

Dan Agri View, Economy

declinedEverett Griner talks about this, the 4th consecutive year, farm income has declined in today’s Agri View.

Farm Income Declined…Again

The average farm income is expected to decline again this year. According to USDA, this is the fourth consecutive decline. One source put the loss at 16 thousand dollars per family. It doesn’t matter if it is soybeans or cattle. The decline will hit all sources of agriculture.

Some will feel the decline more severely than others. According to USDA, dairy farming will feel it most.

Looking at collective figures, net farm income is expected to fall 13 percent from last year. One source put that figure at over 3 billion dollars. There are a host of figures involved when you start talking about net farm income and gross farm income. I don’t have enough time to get into all of that.

2018 will be another bad year for farmers.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…