Agri View: Worst Wildfire Year Ever?

Dan Agri View

wildfireEverett Griner talks about losses suffered from what may end up being the worst wildfire year ever in today’s Agri View.

Worst Wildfire Year Ever?

Forest fires. Perhaps the worst year ever on record. Not even an estimate of damages so far. As many as 43 fires at the same time from southwestern Montana to Utah and New Mexico. More people involved in trying to gain control, to no avail.

The loss of lives is at a new record. Property losses haven’t even begun to be counted. It is easy to see that losses and damages to forestlands will shock the whole world once they are made public. No one has even challenged the cost of wildlife.

Generally speaking. It isn’t row crop land that takes the worst beating in wildfires. The vast amount of grazing land, weather it is for domestic livestock or wildlife, has already been staggering.

Here is the killer. Some. Not all, but some of these fires, were purposely started. Think about that!

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…