Agri View: Plastic Destruction

Dan Agri View, Aquaculture, Environment

destructionEverett Griner is taking a serious look at a big problem. Everett talks about the destruction we are creating for our oceans with plastic in today’s Agri View.

Plastic Destruction

How often do you use a plastic straw? What do you do with it when you are finished? It doesn’t really matter. It generally winds up in our oceans.

I just read that plastic straws will outnumber fish in the waters unless it stops. Plastic. All kinds, are destroying one of the earth’s main food sources. By the end of the 21st Century commercial fishing will come to an end unless we stop depositing our plastic in the ocean.

How did it get there? I don’t know. Some sections of our oceans are already void of living creatures because of plastics.

Now, without the food that is provided by our oceans there will be famine. Scientists are saying that will happen everywhere eventually…unless we stop it.

I don’t know!

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…