Agri View: Blueberries – An Expanding Crop

Dan Agri View, Fruits, Georgia

cropEverett Griner talks about why production of blueberries is expanding in today’s Agri View.

Blueberries – An Expanding Crop

Blueberries are not a major crop, but one that is growing in importance wherever it is grown. Georgia has become one of those states. A short time ago, the crop had only a few people interested. Time has made a big difference.

It is easy to understand why if you look at the important elements, soil and climate. Georgia has both. The southeastern portion of the state has always been pine tree country. That soil did not accommodate crops like corn, cotton and peanuts. So, it grew pine trees. Now, as it turns out, that soil is just what blueberries need.

The winter weather is mild, and the growing season is perfect. Of course, like all crops, there are problems: the usual battles with insects, disease and birds. That’s one of the most difficult parts of growing blueberries.

Georgia farmers can handle it, and blueberries keep spreading.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…