NCBA Calls R-CALF Effort an Attack on Beef Checkoff

Dan Cattle, Industry News Release

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) alleges that R-CALF (Ranchers-Cattlemen Action Legal Fund) is attacking the beef checkoff.

ncbaLast week, R-CALF asked for an injunction against collection of checkoff funds be expanded to 13 more states. The injunction currently only applies to Montana.

In a statement, R-CALF says its members in other states “object to being required to turn over their hard-earned money to fund private speech with which they disagree and cannot influence.” The private speech is the focus of an R-CALF lawsuit in Montana.

NCBA says the attack is “nothing more than an attempt to broaden the damage they have caused in Montana.” NCBA says the Beef Checkoff program carries out necessary demand-building programs on behalf of the industry, adding that R-CALF has “already weakened” the producer-directed programs that support beef demand and “divided neighbors in a manner that undermines the best interests of the entire beef community.”

NCBA is not a part in the litigation but vows “unwavering” support to the Beef Checkoff.

NCBA vowed to “stand with the state beef councils” against R-CALF, which NCBA says its activist allies are “aligned with the Humane Society of the United States and other anti-agriculture organizations.”

Source: National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.