Gardening with Double Reach Rows

Dan This Land of Ours

gardeningAs we have learned, there are many different way of gardening. Cathy Isom explains why we might want to consider double reach rows for our garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Gardening with Double Reach Rows

Depending on the size of your garden, if you’re looking to grow even more food you may want to consider double reach rows. Conventionally, the typical garden row is about a foot apart. Double reach rows, rather than being narrow, are typically between 30 and 42 inches across. The idea is to make them the right distance, about an arm’s length, to reach to the middle from either side. This enables gardeners to tend and harvest from the growing space without stepping in it. More or less, these are elongated versions of raised beds.

Double-reach rows provide more planting space and are easier to mulch. The wide rows also invite companion planting, which helps to protect plants and keep them healthy. On tomorrow’s This Land of Ours, how to make and also maintain double reach rows to give you the best benefits of growing your own food at home.

I’m Cathy Isom…

Feature Image credit: Lettuce planted on a double-reach row/by CharlieOnTravel/Flickr