Farmers for Free Trade Places More Anti-Trade War Advertising

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Trade

Farmers for Free Trade is again placing advertisements on cable television showing an on-the-ground look at how current trade disputes are damaging export markets for U.S. farmers.

farmersIn conjunction with the U.S. Apple Association, the advertisement targets the retaliations to the Section 232 tariffs that include U.S. apples. Airing on television news networks frequently watched by President Trump, the advertisement will run in the immediate aftermath of new retaliatory tariffs being announced on American farm exports from key U.S. trading partners including Mexico, India, Canada, China and the European Union. U.S. apple exports are particularly prone to be hard hit by retaliatory tariffs.

Jim Bair, U.S. Apple Association President & CEO, says: “Profit margins in agriculture are razor-thin, or nonexistent,” adding the disputed need “resolved amicably and quickly.”

However, Farmers for Free Trade director Brian Kuehl says the “situation is going from bad to worse.” More so recently, as the U.S. is now seeking quadruple it’s tariffs against exports from China.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.