Peanut farmers support the legislation
The U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry marked up the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 and delivered on promises for bipartisan legislation from Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kansas, and Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow, D-Michigan. The farm bill as it is more commonly known, passed through committee today with a 20-1 vote.
“We are very pleased the bill is moving forward. This is a good farm bill for all peanut regions and segments of the peanut industry. The bipartisan vote in support of the farm bill is indicative of committee leadership working together,” says Southern Peanut Farmer’s Federation Chairman Armond Morris, a Georgia peanut farmer and chairman of the Georgia Peanut Commission. “The Senate Agriculture Committee members should be commended for a job well done.”
Chairman Morris continues, “We are very appreciative of the hard work of peanut state senators on the Agriculture Committee, Senators David Perdue, R-Georgia, Cindy Hyde-Smith, R-Mississippi, and John Boozman, R-Arkansas. Without representation on the Agriculture Committee, it would be difficult for our voices to be heard.”
The Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program includes peanut provisions that are similar to the 2014 Farm Bill.
Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, mentioned in his remarks at the mark up that they will turn to the farm bill before the July 4 recess in regards to putting the bill on the Senate floor. The Senate will be in recess beginning on June 30.
The Southern Peanut Farmers Federation is comprised of the Alabama Peanut Producers Association, Florida Peanut Producers Association, Georgia Peanut Commission and the Mississippi Peanut Growers Association. For more information visit