No RFS Changes From the White House, For Now

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

President Trump indicated he would not be signing a White House proposal that was “bad for farmers,” referring to the proposal offering changes to the Renewable Fuel Standard.

white houseThe pledge followed an apparent conversation with Iowa Senator Joni Ernst. Further, the comments came the same day Ernst criticized Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt over his handling of the RFS. The proposal would have allowed for the export of RINs, Renewable Identification Numbers, along with allowing the sales for E15. Also rumored in the proposal is a requirement that would force the EPA to reallocate biofuels allotments displaced by hardship waivers issued to refiners.

On Twitter, Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley called the comments by Trump “great news.” The White House reportedly backed off the proposal because of pushback from Ernst and Grassley, who represent one of the largest biofuel producing states.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.