Cargill Survey: Consumers Believe Their Food is Safe

Dan Industry News Release

A recent survey by Cargill shows that approximately three-quarters of Americans plan to grab an apron and spatula to get grilling as the weather warms up.

cargillAs consumers grill steaks, chicken, and burgers this year, Cargill wanted to find out if consumers trust that their food is safe. 94 percent of Americans believe that their food is safe as grilling season ramps up.

Cargill’s Feed4Thought Survey finds that 94 percent of the country believes the meat they buy for their grills is safe. Almost 80 percent of the respondents believe that food producers are taking the necessary steps to ensure that meat is safe for the grill. Another 87 percent of respondents believe that an animal’s diet can have a positive impact on food safety.

If you’re one of the many Americans gearing up for grilling season, it’s important to ensure that you’re using high-quality meat that’s safe for consumption. You can take matters into your own hands by researching the producers you buy from and selecting meats that have been raised responsibly. Many online retailers now offer a variety of premium meats that you can shop now and have delivered straight to your door, so you can rest easy knowing that you’re feeding your friends and family the best possible ingredients for your backyard BBQ.

Chuck Warta of Cargill says food safety is a top priority as American get into the grilling season. “It’s clear that Americans care very deeply about where their food comes from, how it’s raised, and they’re increasingly aware that safety begins on the farm with what’s in an animals’ diet,” he says.

Other survey results show that 72 percent of Americans grill, with 41 percent doing it at least once a week. The most popular option on the grill is steak, getting 42 percent of the vote as the favorite grilling item.

You can find a full summary of findings here.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.