NAFTA Talks Continue This Week

Dan Industry News Release, Trade

The Renegotiation effort of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) continues this week with all sides eager to finish the talks. Representatives from the United States, Canada and Mexico are pushing to finalize an updated agreement this week.

naftaHowever, as Bloomberg reports, several contentious issues remain unresolved as the talks have stretched over more than eight months, including dairy. U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer has previously said he hopes to finish the talks by mid-May, as to pave the way to get a revised NAFTA through the U.S. Congress by the end of this year. The U.S. is also eager to turn full attention to China, after making little progress last week on the trade dispute between the two nations.

U.S. lawmakers are also putting pressure on negotiators, as a few weeks ago more than 60 members of Congress encouraged Lighthizer to eliminate Canada’s tariffs on U.S. dairy exports and its protectionist pricing policies through the negotiations.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.