Planting and Cultivating Your Very Own Forage Garden

Dan This Land of Ours

plantingPlanting a good, productive, garden is something we all strive for. Cathy Isom has some great trips about the best plants for a foraging garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Planting and Cultivating Your Very Own Forage Garden

What we garden is usually what we want to eat. Aside from the typical vegetables and fruits, it’s also a good idea to grow a good forage garden. Besides feeding yourself, you can also support the native butterflies, birds and bees that also depend on these foods. What’s great about a forage garden is that it requires little or no maintenance once its established.

Here are some edible perennial self-sowing plants that can more or less take care of themselves.

  • Borage
  • Nasturtium
  • Sorrel
  • Bunching Onions

Culinary herbs, such as rosemary or evergreens, mint and oregano.

Berries are also great foraging plants, such as blackberries, strawberries and raspberries.

Weeds that are nutritious and delicious include: dandelion, chickweed, and plantain.

I’m Cathy Isom…

Image credit: (bottom right) Bunching onion / Pixabay