Agri View: NAFTA and Farm Bill Problems

Dan Agri View, Farm Bill, Trade

naftaEverett Griner talks about problems with the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in today’s Agri View. He also looks at the farm bill and what it may bring for producers.

NAFTA and Farm Bill Problems

Here is the way one man highly regarded in agriculture put it: “There is no good outcome in messing around with NAFTA. They will take is seriously and find new customers.” He is talking about Mexico and Canada. You see, they are the rest of NAFTA.

round tableMost of the people involved in agriculture do not expect to see anything done until the next farm bill passes Congress. That is supposed to be this year. It very well could be 2019. This bill, like others before it, could be drug through the political arena for at least until the end of this year.

Like a lot of other people, this speaker sees cotton and dairy farmers under the most pressure right now. Dragging this through another year will make it trouble for all farmers.

So, who cares?

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…