Agri View: Current Land Prices

Dan Agri View, Economy

land pricesEverett Griner talks about current land prices in today’s Agri View. Everett looks at the different land values. He also explains some of the different things one might need to know if selling their land.

Current Land Prices

Farmers, both those with land to sell and those looking for land to buy, stay alert to land values across most of our country. Changes generally come in three to ten year cycles. Always favoring one or the other. In the years since 2000, prices have favored the seller.

Then, buyers were paying almost $1,500.00 per acre. Today, that same land will cost them over $3,000.00 an acre. Take into consideration there is more than one way to buy, or sell, farmland. There is land alone, and there is land with building. Most of that which changes hands, perhaps as much as 80 percent, have buildings on them. And, most of that is from retiring farmers. Cropland brings more than pasture land.

This is just some of the things you need to know. In case you are buying, or selling.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…