Agri View: Climbing Egg Prices

Dan Agri View, Poultry

climbingEverett Griner talks about climbing egg prices in today’s Agri View. He explains what is driving the egg prices, and why.

Climbing Egg Prices

Egg prices are up. Have you noticed? What is driving it? Well, demand. Somebody is eating more eggs. Well, let me put it this way. Consumption of eggs is up. It takes several months for a poultry farmer to raise a chick to a laying hen. Maybe when production catches up, prices will level off.

The decline in beef, pork and poultry consumption may also have something to do with the egg prices. But, it is mostly people are eating more eggs.

One popular breakfast restaurant, you would know which one if I identified it, reported serving over 8,000 eggs in one month recently. That’s 666 dozen. Multiply that by popular eating spots all over the country, and you can see one reason your egg prices have gone up. I hope you can.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…