Omnibus Spending Bill Also Contains Livestock “Fixes”

Dan Cattle, Economy, Industry News Release, Livestock

The U.S. Cattlemen’s Association was pleased to see that the omnibus appropriations spending bill released on Wednesday night has what it called “two common-sense solutions to regulatory overreach in the Fiscal Year 2018.”

omnibusThe spending bill includes a one-year delay of the Electronic Logging Devices mandate for livestock haulers. It also excludes livestock producers from the reporting requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency’s livestock emissions reporting mandate.

Executive Vice President, Kelly Fogarty, says both of the victories in the bill offer common-sense solutions to over-regulation. “The USCA Transportation Committee will use the one-year delay to continue its work with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and Congress to secure needed flexibility for livestock haulers in the restrictive Hours-of-Service rules,” says Fogarty. “USCA worked hard to avoid yet another EPA overreach on the industry and we will continue to work with the administration and Congress to secure successful outcomes on both of these issues.”

USCA says they thank members of Congress for acknowledging and addressing regulatory overreach and its potential negative impact on the livestock industry.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.