Agri View: Feral Hog Problem Over?

Dan Agri View

feral hogEverett Griner talks about what is being considered as the last measure to solve the Feral Hog problem in today’s Agri View.

Feral Hog Problem Over?

Well, the feral hog problem is over. Wouldn’t that be a marvelous headline across the country? But it isn’t. In fact, it gets worse. It is so bad until those trying to stop it have turned to the last resort. Poison. Everything else has failed.

One farmer in Alabama has killed over 200 of these destructive creatures on his farm in less than a year. Total crop damage now runs something like one and one half billion dollars a year.

The use of poison will be tested in 2 areas this year. I can’t say where right now, but, I will be watching. They will root up any crop. But, they are especially fond of corn and peanuts. You know what? They will root up a 4 to 6 foot hole right in the middle of your field. Yes, scientist are working with wildlife officials in the affected area. So, things they are OK.

Nothing but hope now.

That’s Agri View for today. I’m Everett Griner…