The Importance of Proper Wheat Staging

Dan Industry News Release, Wheat

wheat stagingDuring a recent Wheat U event in Spokane, Washington hosted by High Plains Journal and BASF, Jim Vandecovering with BASF talked with wheat growers about the importance of proper wheat staging and whether it really matters for overall plant health and profitability.


He says another important part of the wheat plant factory is the assembly line.


Farming with a progressive state of mind is also going to be important in today’s wheat economy.


He says hearing feedback from growers about research and technology that companies like BASF are developing and selling is very important.


And he says consumers need to know that growers are practicing the best stewardship practices available not only to maximize yields but also to raise a safe and affordable food supply for them to enjoy and they take great pride in doing exactly that.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.