U.S. Sugar Prepares for Cold Weather in South Florida

Dan Florida, Fruits, Industry News Release, Sugar, Vegetables, Weather

sugarWith South Florida expected to experience some of the coldest weather of the season, U.S. Sugar and its family of farmers have begun making preparations to limit any impact on crops. U.S. Sugar’s Senior Director for Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Judy Sanchez issued the following statement:

“As the coldest weather of the winter thus far approaches, like most farmers we are preparing for the worst while praying for the best.

We are bringing up the water levels in the canals around our sweet corn, sugarcane and citrus and other crops.  Adding moisture provides warmth to the soil and helps protect the plants.  We will also be flying helicopters over our sweet corn crop.

Our weather reports are projecting temperatures close to or at freezing levels in colder pockets but hopefully for only short periods of time.

While farmers are always at the mercy of Mother Nature, we remain eternal optimists and pray for milder than expected temperatures.”