Planning Your Garden for the New Year

Dan This Land of Ours

planningCathy Isom has some tips about starting the new year off planning for your new garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Planning Your Garden for the New Year

New Year, new garden. Winter may seem like it just started but it will be ending soon and before long the first leaves of Spring will bloom. No better time than now to start thinking ahead for those garden plans. whether you’re dreaming of a bounty of vegetables, a balcony of colorful flowers, or some other sort of outdoor oasis. Here are our top 10 get-ready-to-garden tips.

planningStart seeds indoors or plan to plant them depending on your areas last frost date.

Sharpen all of your garden tools.

Get your soil ready by breaking up the clods, raking and aerating it.

Start planning ways to create compost by turning food scraps, leaves, lawn clippings and other green waste into nutrient rich food for your plants.

Prune trees, shrubs, and divide perils

And start planning the layout of your garden by creating a layout that works for you, as well as how eat plant will work next to each other.

I’m Cathy Isom…