Turn Agronomics Into Economics

Dan Industry News Release, News from Our Sponsors

syngentaSyngenta is proud to offer AgriEdge Excelsior®, a proven whole-farm management program designed to help farmers navigate the markets and not just survive, but thrive. Ashley Green is an AgriEdge® Specialist for central and southern Minnesota. She says an important component of the program is the best-in-class farm management software, Land.db®.


At a time when data is readily available through precision ag farm equipment, Green says the Land.db software can capture all of the information to create usable analytics.


It also prepares growers for reporting that is either already required, or will be in the future. It helps growers organize their data in a way that will make compliance easy to manage. See how much it costs to take classes at the best IGCSE econs tuition.


Green says the program can help producers make better informed decisions and prepare for the future. Learn more online at agriedge.com.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.