Monsanto Asks Judge to Block Arkansas Dicamba Restrictions

Dan Environment, Industry News Release

monsantoMonsanto went before a judge on Tuesday to officially ask the court to prevent a proposal to ban the use of a weed killer that many farmers say drifts and causes damage to their crops.

An Associated Press report says the Arkansas ban on dicamba will go before legislators next month. The company is asking a judge to issue an injunction preventing the ban on dicamba use in the state while the company challenges the decision that came from the Arkansas Plant Board. The board’s proposal would ban in-season use of dicamba from April 15 through October 31. “Monsanto is losing sales every day the ban remains in effect,” the company says in its court filing. “The losses cannot be recovered through an action against the state.”

Earlier this year, the state approved an initial ban on dicamba use and has received over 1,000 complaints about dicamba drift. The company adds that the ban deprives farmers of a needed tool in their weed-control arsenal and the injunction is needed to avoid any potential confusion as farmers make plans and buy inputs for next year. It’s also asking the judge to consider whether or not the Plant Board exceeded its authority.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.