Trump to Meet with Cruz, Oil Industry, Regarding RFS

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

trumpSenator Ted Cruz will get his meeting with President Donald Trump regarding biofuels.

Reuters reports that Trump has agreed to meet with Cruz and representatives from the oil refining industry to discuss the Renewable Fuel Standard. The White House says the discussion could set the stage for negotiations over possible legislation to overhaul the RFS.

Cruz has blocked the confirmation vote of Iowa Agriculture Secretary Bill Northey nomination to a top Department of Agriculture post, demanding a meeting with the President and others. The meeting is likely to be scheduled for next week. Cruz and eight other senators from states with oil refineries had requested the meeting with Trump in a letter in October. In the letter, the senators asked that the meeting include Midwest lawmakers, biofuels representatives and relevant administration officials, so all sides could “discuss a pathway forward toward a mutually agreeable solution.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.