Biodiesel Industry Lobbying for Tax Credit

Dan Energy, Industry News Release

biodieselNearly 100 members of the National Biodiesel Board are on Capitol Hill this week encouraging lawmakers to reinstate the biodiesel tax credit, which expired in December 2016. As part of an annual fly-in to the Capitol, NBB members are meeting with lawmakers to support the tax credit to “stabilize the business environment” for the industry, according to NBB CEO Doug Whitehead.

They are also sharing results of a new survey conducted with 1,000 registered voters nationwide. The survey found that 82 percent of registered voters support a federal tax incentive. The same percentage of people polled expressed support for a national Renewable Fuel Standard.

The visits come as the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to release the final RFS volumes this week. Since the July proposal was released, NBB has repeatedly called for growth in the volumes. The July proposal offered up a reduction in advanced biofuels, of which biodiesel fills roughly 90 percent and a flatline of biomass-based diesel.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.