Tax Reform Proposals Jeopardize Essential Farm Program Funding

Dan Industry News Release

tax reformLawmakers in Congress are considering major changes to the nation’s tax system after a pair of tax reform bills were introduced in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives. While the jury is still out on how the plans would impact farmers’ and ranchers’ effective tax rates, new analysis shows that the plans, if passed into law, could have devastating consequences for farm program funding.

Roger Johnson, president of the National Farmers Union, explains.

Johnson says that trading any sort of tax reform for scrapping funding for farm programs would be devastating to family farmers and ranchers.

Johnson says NFU will continue to support efforts to simplify the tax code, but that the group adamantly opposes the bills as they are written.

For more information about National Farmers Union and current tax reform efforts, visit n-f-u-dot-org (

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.