McKinney Visit to India Good for U.S. Pork

Dan Exports/Imports, Industry News Release, Pork, Trade

mckinneyThe National Pork Producers Council says the recent trip to India by Department of Agriculture Undersecretary for Trade and Foreign Affairs Ted McKinney bodes well for future pork exports.

The trip, aimed at increasing U.S. agricultural export levels for India, allowed McKinney to press the nation to open access to U.S. pork. NPPC has been working for many years to get U.S. pork into India by eliminating the country’s non-scientific trade barriers.

India benefits from the Generalized System of Preferences, a U.S. preferential trade program providing duty-free access to countries shipping goods to the United States.

In concluding the trip, McKinney said: “the progress report is good.” India could begin allowing U.S. pork into the country as early as next year.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.