Natural Pest Control Plants

Dan This Land of Ours

natural pest controlCathy Isom has some helpful hints about how you can have a natural and colorful way to keep pesky critters out of your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

You could spend a ton of money on chemicals to kill the predators and pests that can wreak havoc on your plants. But that poison may be harming some of the insects we DO want to keep around, such as bees and butterflies.

One solution is plant things that will naturally protect crops from pests. Such as Sunflowers. They distract aphids and whiteflies from other plants. Fragrant Marigolds will a pop of color to your garden while repelling spider mites and snails. Other smelly varieties will even keep rabbits out of the garden. Culinary herbs are great, too. Basil, mint, and dill are well known for their pest-repelling abilities. Chrysanthemums help with all types of garden pests and household pests too, such as roaches, fleas, ticks, bedbugs, and lice. Lavender is fabulous to smell and look at, but it’s even better for repelling fleas and moths; however, if you’re dealing with a severe problem, it’s always best to call in a Local exterminator in Williamsville.

I’m Cathy Isom…